Replicating a GWAS: two novel candidate markers for oligospermia in Greek population
Genome-wide association studies have paved the way for the discovery of new markers regarding many diseases, including male infertility. A previous study on Caucasians highlighted 172 polymorphisms for their putative association with male infertility and we attempted to replicate these findings on our dataset comprising of Greek male individuals (n = 360). We retrieved 59 out of 172 polymorphisms and tested for all association models on 278 normospermic men and 82 patients with an abnormal seminogram, later separated into oligozoospermic and asthenozoospermic groups.
Our findings indicate that two SNPs (rs2296225 in KIF17, rs7224496 in SMYD4) are associated with male infertility in the Greek population and have not been recorded in literature as of yet. These novel markers need further validation via additional studies and an increased individual number. All in all, replication studies, possess the power to validate existing polymorphisms found across all population and thus increase both statistical sign.